Many of the following slide decks contain animated elements. Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or higher is required for proper viewing; a free viewer can be downloaded here. To view a slide deck, open it in full-screen mode and repeatedly click the space bar to step through it.
May 2007:
Identity Management Techniques.
A general tutorial presented at Computers Freedom and Privacy (CFP) 2007.
April 2007:
Government Online.
Companion slides to our whitepaper on the same topic.
April 2007:
Secure Channel CRS/Epass.
An overview of the challenges of Secure Channel CRS/Epass system and how to address them using U-Prove.
February 2007:
User-Centric Information Page.
An animated overview of an online government showcase built using the U-Prove toolkit. Presented at the 8th Annual Privacy and Security conference in Canada.
February 2007:
Mobile Government Online.
An animated overview of a mobile e-government showcase built using the U-Prove toolkit. Presented at the 8th Annual Privacy and Security conference in Canada.
February 2007:
Online Government: SSO and Data Sharing.
An animated overview of how to use U-Prove for secure authentication and data sharing in an e-government setting. Presented at the 8th Annual Privacy and Security conference in Canada.
February 2007:
Dating Portal Showcase.
An animated overview of an online dating portal showcase built using the U-Prove toolkit. Presented at the 8th Annual Privacy and Security conference in Canada.
January 2007:
An Introduction to Digital Identity.
A high-level introduction to federated and user-centric identity management presented as a Google TechTalk at Google's headquarters.
September 2006:
U-Prove Crypto Overview.
A high-level overview of the crypto techniques used in the design of the U-Prove protocols.
April 2006:
Integration Considerations.
Outlines how to integrate U-Prove into identity management frameworks and related standards.
February 2005:
The Evolution of Identity Management.
An animated overview of the evolution of digital identity management approaches, from centralized to federated to user-centric identity. Presented at McGill University.
December 2004:
Mobile ecash showcase.
An animated overview of a mobile ecash showcase developed jointly with Nokia, using the U-Prove toolkit.
Contains a detailed benefits overview.
June 2004:
Electronic voting.
An overview of electronic voting techniques, presented at the 2007 Enterprise Architecture Open House Conference in Toronto.
June 2004:
Privacy and Identity Authentication.
An analysis of the drawbacks of federated identity, including a review of the Liberty Alliance architecture. Presented at the 2007 Enterprise Architecture Open House Conference in Toronto.